in the process of becoming a good muslim,a good daughter,a good sister,a good student,a good girl and a good people :)

Sunday, 25 November 2012

cerita cuti sekolahku versi 4 !

Assalamualaikum gengs!

okay harini nak share pasal BOLA! YESSS,BOLA!! harini ada match best di antara Malaysia dan Singapura.singapura menang 3-0 ke atas malaysia.aku tak pandai main bola plus tak faham sangat dgn game ni.but as a malaysian,true malaysian aku rasa aku berkebolehan utk memberi pendapat tentang game tadi.pada pendapat aku malaysia kalah dgn singapura bukan sebab Harimau Malaya tak reti main bole,bodohla kalau aku cakap dorg tak pandai main kan.cuma mereka kurang strategi dan terlalu lemah dalam serangan.asyik singapore je yg attack,malaysia just selamatkan bola.adoihhh.

lagi satu faktor maybe faktor usia.haahaa.aku rasalah.kenapa Datuk Rajagopal tak ambil player Harimau Muda? aku pelik.sedangkan players Harimau Muda pun berbakat dan hebat plus dorg masih muda dan bertenaga.entahlah mungkin beliau ada perancangan sendiri kot.malangnya perancangan beliau tidak berjaya kali ni.Sorry!

faktor lain,aku rasa mata aku masih tak rabun teruk lagi kot.tadi aku nampak bilangan player malaysia dgn singapura sama je kan? tapi kenapa macam player singapura lebih ramai dari malaysia tadi?bahagian atas ada baju merah,bahagian bawah ada baju merah plus bahagian tengah dan tepi pun ada baju merah.tapi kenapa baju biru banyak kumpul di satu bahagian pada satu2 masa je???? kenapa????!!!! itulah yg aku kata  takda strategi! mungkin boleh perbaiki lagi mutu permainan Hariamau Malaya.

faktor utama singapura menang pada aku adalah kerana kebolehan & kehebatan goalkeepernya yg superb !
banyak kali jugaklah goalkeeper itu dapat makian aku.haahaa.Apek macam kurang bertenaga malam ni.mungkin terlampau memikirkan bakal isteri di rumah kot.lols.tapi takpa,boleh cuba yg terbaik lagi,Malaysia! 

teruk mahupun bagus macam mana pun Harimau Malaya main,menang atau kalah,seluruh rakyat Malaysia akan terus menyokong dan berada disisi anda,percayalah!kita boleh berbangga dengan players kita sebab kita pakai anak jati Malaysia utk bertarung,tak macam pihak lawan pakai banyak sangat org import.tak asli lansung ;P haha.bangga menjadi anak Malaysia! SELAMANYA HARIMAU MALAYA,SELAMANYA SOKONG MALAYSIA ! terima kasih.


P.S : saya Muslim berjaya !

Saturday, 24 November 2012

cerita cuti sekolahku versi 3 !

Assalamualaikum gengs!

okay today im gonna share about my experience watching twilight saga breaking dawn part two! haahahaaa.please be jelly if you're not watching it yet :P actulally im not a fan of twilight.i just watched it because someone treated lucky i am! this movie its great people! to be frank,every scenes in this movie make my mind blowing.loves the sounds & effect.looks awesome from my seat.haha

must watch it!

bahkan,cehhh kembali memperkasakan bahasa ibunda,filem ni telah membuktikan yg Kristen Stewart entah apa2 jela nama sebenar dia,dia berbakat dalam lakonan! sebelum ni aku mcm tak minat je dia berlakon sbb mcm takda jiwa.keras kaku je.tapi sekarang dah ada kemajuan.mungkin kerana adegan2 dalam filem ni begitu menarik perhatian dia kot.lols!

dalam filem ni aku ada minat someone.dia begitu menarik perhatianku sepanjang filem ini berjalan.dia bukanlah Robert Pattison kegilaan remaja sekarang tapi dia adalah pelakon sampingan semata-mata.watak dia tak banyak pun tapi lakonan dia melekat kat kepala aku.ceeehhhh tengok ayatlah!haha

he's Garrett in twilight. and..

Lee Pace for the REAL!

okay dia hot kan?kan? kan???? aku tahu.sekarang kita letak tepi kehotan dia,kita borak pasal bakat lakonan dia.dia berlakon mmg superb! tak tipu punya.dia punya impact gua cakap lu mmg gempak! dia lawak2 gak.ada style macam bf gua Johnny Depp sikit2.sikit je eh! tapi aku mmg paling suka tengok dia dalam filem ni.dia ni rupanya pernah menang "Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Serie"..patutlah lawak! okay keep it up bro! love you buy the way.muahahahaa

yg paling errr pasal filem ni terlampau banyak scenes yg over 18 la kan.alaa korg faham2 jela first time si Edward tu korg dah faham! haha..maybe cerita ni lagi feel kalau tengok sorg2 opinionlah.

anak Bella & Edward dalam cerita ni mmg cantik gila gua cakap.nak tengok pergi google la sendiri.okay,apa2 pun filem ni mmg berbaloi utk ditonton! 

okay ini lagi satu cerita best aku nk share.masa tengah jalan-jalan kat The Curve,aku ternampak satu restoran sushi nama dia Sakae Sushi Restaurant.yg hebatnya pasal restoran ini bukanlah kerana warnanya yg hijau tetapi di setiap meja disediakan iPad buat kemudahan pelanggan.fuhhhhhhhhhhhh

iPad tu bro !! iPad!!

okay dunia sekarang mmg dah terlampau maju.nanti kalau aku ada restoran sendiri,aku letak 
x-box kat setiap meja.hahhhh ambik! senang nk main masa tengah tunggu order sampai :P ahaha.


P.S : saya Muslim berjaya!

Friday, 23 November 2012

cerita cuti sekolahku versi 2 !

Assalamualaikum gengs !

okay nak share sesuatu dgn uolls.baru-baru ni actually semalam,aku keluar setelah lama terperuk di dalam rumah tanpa melihat awan dan langit.aku keluar berbekalkan amanah yg telah diberikan utk aku supaya menempah t-shirts buat PEERSku.okay aku ke Central Market! seperti biasa aku tidak mempunyai driver yg menghantarku ke mana saja aku ingin pergi.Jadi aku pandai2 kan diriku menaiki kemudahan awam yg ada.mula2 sekali aku menaiki Rapid KL dari Pusat Bandar Damansara iaitu office mama ke Station LRT Bangsar.semasa menaiki bas tersebut,aku hulurkan ICku beserta wang kertas RM5 kepada abang bas tersebut,kataku kepadanya,

"nak topup touch&go saya..."

"sorry dik,kat sini tak boleh topup .." katanya sambil mengambil wang kertasku dan memulangkan baki.

aku terus menuju ke kerusi kosong dan duduk sambil mendengar lagu Anak Kampung menerusi earphoneku.melihat pemandangan menerusi tingkap bas tersebut membuatkan aku bahagia kerana sudah lama aku tidak melihat ragam manusia.maklumlah asyik duduk dirumah sahaja cuti ni.
tiba2 aku pelik apabila melihat ramai penumpang yg turun di satu tempat ini.aku malas ingin mengambil tahu hal mereka.aku pun mengalih pandangan ku ke arah abang bas tersebut.tiba2 dia bersuara,

"dik,ni station terakhir.tak nk turun ke?"

aku senyum sambil bangun dan turun dari bas itu.aku pun terus berjalan laju ke tempat membeli tiket LRT automatik.setelah memasukkan wang & menekan destinasiku.aku tunduk utk mengambil tiket.aku terkejut apabila yg keluar bukanlah tiket tetapi benda bulat yg tidak aku kenali.

"apa kejadahnya ni wehhhh!" kataku di dalam hati..

aku menuju ke arah tempat scanner tiket tersebut.aku meletakkan benda bulat tersebut di atasnya.

Bipppppppppppppppppp..begitu sekali bunyinya.

aku hanya tersenyum melihat benda bulat tersebut ditanganku.kemudian aku menaiki LRT hingga ke Station Pasar Seni.semasa aku ingin scan benda bulat tersebut di mesin scanner yg ada di situ,tiba2 ia berbunyi 'Bippppppp' begitu kuat tetapi tidak terbuka pula pintunya utk membenarkan aku lalu.

"apahal pulak ni !" kataku lagi di dalam hati.ada seorang hamba Allah yg begitu manis dtg ke arah ku dan berkata,

"dik masuk kan benda tu dlm lubang yg ada kat atas tu..."

"terima kasih.."

aku tersenyum lagi sambil menggeleng kepalaku yg terasa berat harini.kepalaku begitu berat memikirkan tentang betapa majunya dunia harini dengan kemudahan teknologi yg mana perginya cara manual seperti dahulu? aku masih rindukan keadaan melihat org ramai beratur membeli tiket di kaunter.aku rindukan tiket yg berbentuk kertas keras yg mempunyai corak2 menarik.aku rindu untuk melihat tiket yg masuk dan keluar semula di mesin scanner.aku rindu nk kumpul tiket2 KTM & LRT seperti dahulu.aku rasa begitu kuno sekali semasa keluar membawa diri semalam.aku tidak sangka Malaysia sudah semaju itu.aku tidak dapat bayangkan bagaimana aku ingin mengahadapi kemajuan Malaysia 5tahun akan datang.teknologi kadang2 mampu mengelirukan kewarasan manusia.mmg dgn adanya teknologi perkara menjadi mudah tetapi...entah aku merasakan tidak perlu semua benda ditukar dgn teknologi.ada benda yg kita kena kekalkan penggunaan manualnya.hanya luahan hati dari seorang pelajar yg terkejut apabila keluar melihat dunia semalam.terima kasih.

P.S : saya Muslim berjaya !

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

cerita cuti sekolahku versi 1 !

Assalamualaikum gengs!

okay entry kali ni tema dia HORROR.jgn mimpi ia bertemakan melodrama mahupun comedy mega.just nk cakap yg cuti sekolahku sangatlah SERAMMMMM
aku telah mengulang tayang semua filem dan drama yg ada di dalam laptopku berjuta-juta kali broooo...ini tidak normal buat pelajar cemerlang sepertiku.cewwwaaahhhh.lols
apa agaknya aktiviti member2ku yg lain ya.mungkin lebih seram daripada aku atau mungkin juga lebih menyedihkan,kan? haha...

hero korea kebanggaanku!  dah 498 kali aku tengok muka Dokko Gin ni -,-

okay mamat Jo Han Sun ni punya muka dua filem dia aku ulang tayang beribu kali cuti ni.adoihh

cerita ni juga yg aku baru tengok sekali tapi nk lagiiii..

P.S : saya Muslim berjaya :)

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Kembali !

Assalamualaikum gengs :) 
 lama tidak bertegur.maaf kerana sudah lama tidak update entry baru.maklumlah hidup sebagai budak hostel.jadi,kelapangan masa itu tidak mampu diungkap.lols.okay entry kali ni just wanna say,

im homeee baby !  
lets enjoy the holidayssssss !!

p/s : saya muslim berjaya :)

Friday, 20 July 2012

Ramadhan Al-Mubarak

assalamualaikum uolls ! yayyy kita jumpa lagi setelah 2 bulan menyepi kan? entry kali ni about fasting.YES! RAMADHAN :) today is officially ramadhan :B Alhamdulillah atas nikmat ramadhan kali ni Allah.tahun ni yg specialnya ramadhan sbb i sambut puasa di hostel dgn kwn2 & jauh dari family tersayang.ada sedih ada happy.but that's life dude.. azam ramadhan tahun ni,nak terawih sebanyak yg mungkin & tingkatkan ibadah.i doakan ramadhan kali ni memberi seribu rahmat buat kita semua yg menyambutnya :) 

marilah kita jadikan bulan ramadhan bulan yg penuh dgn kebaikan dan senyuman.may Allah bless the world.happy ramadhan :)


Thursday, 14 June 2012

but..i love math sometimes.

Lols.maths also know how to make a drama.drama are awesome are crying while finding the X and Y :P hahaha

totally me

my life

we are teenagers so we used all this thingy right? even folks updating status while tweeting :P

you girls !

some girls are not like a girl at all.they act like a beacha man.. talk much im a girl too but im not going to act like those girls cuz i knew what people would react..GEDIK IS ALLOWED BUT OVER-GEDIK?? BOOK YOUR OWN GRAVE !

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

im taken

YOU TOO RIGHT?? Lols.i dated all celebrity i had a crush what? total green of envy much?

i love you papa !

get well soon,papa! im waiting & praying for you.

i love you mama !

who i am right now or who im going to be in the future is all because of her,my mama ! thanks for everything,i love youu






what is strong?

Friday, 8 June 2012

bila cuti tiba klimaks !

yayyyyyyyyyy or maybe DAMN BULLSHIT ! kfineee holidays is over.i repeat,HOLIDAYS IS OVERRRR! nah how come? i  feel that holiday is just begin man.holidays is the day where i can stay up all night long without hesitates ! Lols.holidays is about updating my blog,making a new status on my fb & of course tweets up my twitter :) sounds bored but i loved my holidays.i did all this awesome stereotype stuff during short or long holidays or as long as the day is call HOLIDAY :D HAHAHA.okay guys my holidays and your holidays IS OVERR! Damn.



whatever,whereever,whoever,however or whatsoever


Sunday, 3 June 2012

saya budak MJSC JOBA !

Assalamualaikum & hai uolls ! nice to greet you again.alhamdulillah,at last i've a time to update my blog  :) okay,today we gonna talk about my college.yes,college! currently i've been studying in college.whatttttttt college? it's Mara Junior Science College Johor Bahru :D get it? NO? haiyaa google please! last i can call myself,ANAK MARA.WHYY?? hmmm dont have specific answer for that but maybe because i've been studying under MARA.MJSC JOBA was awesome & 100% cool ! no first i didnt like the students because they  BERPUAK! i hate puak & i anti by day i tried my best to adapt with the situation and  those students.i told myself that i need to understand  those people come from different states,so they play with different flow.yes that's true  most of the students are from selangor & kl but there also hv students from johor,kelantan,melaka,negeri sembilan and so on.maybe they make friends by their own unique way.we are PIONEER! we create our own culture and our own tradition.the best part is we conquer the college but the worst part is we dont hv  seniors to lead i knew senior is sooo important :(  the best thing i love about my college is the view! i bet you the view here was mind blowing,man.everytime i see the view i would like,Subhanallah! Allah gave us such a beautiful view from the sky.other best part is i become more responsible to myself.i perform solah wuthout skip & plus berjemaah.i realized only Allah stay at my side where ever i go.i tried my very best to become a good muslim & a good know what,i'm a vice president of peers in MJSC JOBA ! Alhamdulillah,Allah gave me another gift.i promised  myself that i will lead my peers with full of responsibility and loves :) what do you think about my college? awesome,huh? thanks! you soon on the next entry :P Assalamualaikum.

setelah 3 kali merayu barulah dpt jadi anak MARA !Alhamdulillah

im proudly present my college ; MJSC JOBA :D

see, i told the view was stunning !

Friday, 23 March 2012


salam & hai kepada handsome adam  & pretty hawa :) first of all  gua nk mintak ampun mintak maaf kat uolls  cuz gua nk  berhijrah.PENGHIJRAHAN = BERUBAH OR BERPINDAH DGN TUJUAAN & NIAT YG BAIK.bukanlah entry kali ni gua nk ckp yg gua nk berhijrah dari seorang kaki sembang kencang kpd kaki sembang hati tetapi gua nk berhijrah dari sekolah kementerian kpd sekolah maktab berasrama penuh.betullah dgn ayat yg gua sentiasa percaya selama ni iaitu ," rezeki pasti ada di mana-mana".mungkin gua bukanlah bdk asrama ambilan pertama mahupun kedua tetapi ambilan org ada? LOL.Di sekolah kementerian,gua mmg dikenali sbg bdk yg suka bersembang kencang.semua yg dibualkan gua pasti secara rancak & kencang.hanya kerabat2 yg tertentu sahaja faham tentang topik yg dibualkan.itu kalau di sekolah kementerianlah.gua belum tahu lagi style sembang yg akan gua jalani di maktab nanti.harap2 sembangnya bisa  menjadi kencang & mesra disapa telinga :p  to be frank,gua mmg nervous & tangkai jantung gua mmg sedang bergetar-getar tika ini.mungkin ini juga yg dirasa oleh azra,aino & esha.tiada org yg pernah bagitahu gua bahwasanya beginilah rasa satu penghijrahan.hijrah tidak semudah alif ba ta.serius  ! gua tinggalkan banyak perkara  semanis kurma  &  sebahagian dari diri gua di SMK BANDAR BARU SUNGAI BULOH.gua  tinggalkan kawan2 sehebat gua,cikgu2 semesra gua & pengalaman seawesome gua.sigh.bukan tu je,gua juga tinggalkan parents & family seindah gua  terutamanya mama! arrgghhh gua tak sangka sekencang ini penghijrahan gua.kalau benarlah penghijrahan gua kali  ni adalah penghijrahan paling awesome gua pernah buat,gua sanggup tempuh.kalau benarlah penghijrahan gua ni mendatangkan kebaikan kepada semua pihak,gua sanggup lakukan.kalau benarlah penghijrahan gua ni adalah satu pengorbanan buat  parent gua,gua ikhlas berhijrah.gua berdoa agar Allah memberkati penghijrahan gua ni.maka,sudah tibalah masanya gua,si kaki sembang kencang berhijrah ke MAKTAB RENDAH SAINS MARA JOHOR BAHRU :) InsyaAllah,semuanya akan selamat  & berjalan lancar.

doakan gua sihat & kuat di sana,ya :D 
terima kasih.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

asean quiz? what the heck ?

HAEVEN YEAH ! lama menunggu,ini keputusannya?? c'mon,ini zaman,zaman teknologi ! takkan banyak masalah kot.kalau dah tahu teknologi akan meragam pada hari pertandingan,pihak pihak yg terasa semasa membaca entry ni seharusnya membuat kajian dulu.senang cerita buat je kuiz ni secara manual.kami pelajar,sentiasa mengekalkan tradisi & budaya kami :p sia2 je dtg pagi2 dgn hari yg riang,tup tup hasil di atas yg kami dpt.gua dah buat siasatan ala2 detective conan dan sahabat baik gua yg gua mmg kawtim iaitu ,YAHOO telah memberi tahu gua bahawa terdapat 7,697 STUDENTS TO PARTICIPATE IN ASEAN QUIZ, fikir2 kanlah pihak2 yg terasa ketika membaca entry ni sudah berapa ramai student yg berjiwa ribena telah anda hancurkan.gua sebagai wakil dari komuniti ribena tersebut ingin mengekspresikan perasaan hampa dan murung kami akibat perkara tersebut.gua harap next time takda lagi masalah mcm ni terjadi.bergetar di buatnya urat kecil dlm urat saraf gua ni.kalau putus berkecai apa citer? kami masuk kuiz ni sbb kami nk kan markah koko yg bernilai & bermutu tinggi tu.markah tu boleh di buat ulam ketika interview kerja :p adaa faham?! haish..

adehhh sedih gua dibuatnya T.T 

nota tapak kaki : sijil tu bagi juga tak boleh ke?


harini my sister hany & my seniors semua tengah membanjiri sekolah utk ambil result kan ? so,apa rasa? LOL. EXCITED + CUAK + DUPDAPDUPDAP = PEGANG SLIP  :P  
korg dah buat yg terbaik,so korg kena terima result korg dgn sebaik-baiknya sbb itu adalah perkara terbaik yg korg pernah buat utk menjadi yg terbaik ,right? see,dah berapa banyak baik aku dok ulang.. pada yg dpt result yg awesome tu,congrats eh & yg result tak seberapa tu,korg kena terus pandang ke depan sbb sekarang ni dah takda masa utk korg meratapi result tu..kalau  korg teruskan juga hobi tersebut,maka benda yg sama akan berulang lagi,right? ayat klise yg korg akan dgr majoritinya adalah : "lekluu result spm tak bawak ke mana derr.sabar ehhh...",banyak lu punya LEKKKLUUUU !! fyi,spm ni penentu ke mana arah tuju seseorang rakyat malaysia.kalau result spm  lek2 je,maka tak ke mana lah jawabnya.get it? dont care,berapa banyak pun A+ or A yg korg dapat,korg selayaknya menerima kata TAHNIAH daripada saya :)  


Tuesday, 13 March 2012


peluang apaaa??  lorh,peluang utk BIG BANG MENGENALIKU :)) hahahaaa..okay fine,tak lawak! actually aku join 2012 BIG BANG GLOBAL COVER CONTEST !! YAYYYYY !! WALAUPUN peluang utk menang tu tak nampak lansung but at least video aku yg tak seberapa ni still akan ditonton oleh BIG BANG & YG ,OKAY ! SO,thats why dlm video ni,aku mentioned nama aku & nama malaysia  banyak kali supaya diorang ingat ! so kalau korg berminat nk tolong aku like video ni,apa salahnya kan 
;p  aku sangat terhutang budi pada korg :DD thanks a lot ! heart you much much <3<3<3

again,thank you for watching and like eh :D

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

let me introduced you to the KING OF KPOP ~

Welcome to the first edition of Kings of K-Pop! I think the name speaks for itself, right? Only the biggest K-Pop groups will make it to this editorial. This very first edition will commemorate BIGBANG’s comeback.

K-Pop Kings. Yeah, we all know and got to admit that BIGBANG is considered one of the biggest groups in the industry. But why? What are the reasons for BIGBANG to have such title as “one of the leaders” of the K-Pop wave craziness everywhere? What’s so special about BIGBANG that everybody just loves whenever they release a new song or video?.

BIGBANG is not just like any other idol artist: Every single member has something that just makes the right click with the rest. They have great ideas, individual talents, and leadership on their own. BIGBANG members can go solo and yet they will succeed. Why? Because people recognize they always do the best. And by the best I mean THE BEST.
Unlike most idol groups, BIGBANG focused on making their own music. They were not known for their ullzzang-like appearances but for their skills as writers, producers, composers, dancers and singers. They were not and they're still not like any other idol group. BIGBANG is an artist and they try to reflect that on themselves.

See, when you analyze one member at a time, you obtain great individual components for the group. One of the best characteristics of BIGBANG is that they create their own work and they have a mastermind behind most successful songs in G-Dragon.

G-Dragon is like the genius of the group. G-Dragon’s hunger for success makes him work to the bone to obtain the best result. Inside G-Dragon’s mind, there lives an incredible talent for creating songs, sounds, styles, a natural leader. He has written so many songs in his career (it actually makes you wonder what you are doing with your life haha) that he is considered one of the youngest songwriters in Korea.

When he works, his spirit of leadership is his main focus, he knows how to demand things, he knows how to push things further, and his job as a leader shows that he only has a target in mind: to show the best of everybody in the group. He definitely knows how to be a perfectionist.

He and the members deliver talent instead of image: Their ideas are first. Their freedom of choice over their music innovates and shows that BIGBANG is definitely a group to look up for. They are always a step ahead from what you expect. They went from being hip-hop kids to become grown men with awesome fashion sense and that’s another reason why people love BIGBANG.

BIGBANG keeps changing, keeps growing up constantly: You always have in mind that they will show up with something magnificent, something unique, their concepts keep changing, they can go from charming men, rock stars, to frozen and alive and you still love it. So what’s different? That some of them don’t need and neither show chocolate abs all the time to prove they have talent.

And I’m not criticizing the groups that actually show their bodies to the audience, not at all, I’m just saying that BIGBANG doesn’t need THAT. So what else do they have to be called K-Pop kings?

Sub-units and solo acts: TaeyangSeungriG-Dragon, Daesung have gone solo and made it big. Unlike BIGBANG’s catchy but matured style, the solo acts from the members and GD&TOP’s sub-unit, deliver pure combination of styles that fits their personal likings. Being R&B, dance-pop, ballads and hip-hop, the way they complement with their music, their lyrics and that personal touch they add when they compose, is the key to their success. Something to envy them for. (Daesung has had singles but not an official solo album yet).

Each member has different roles on their own: Every single member has showed different sides in their career. Some have obtained roles in movies (T.O.P. and Seungri), cameos in movies and roles in musicals (Seungri and Daesung) roles in dramas (Daesung and T.O.P.) and some of them even had experiences as MCs (Daesung and Seungri). Every each one of them has showed that they are not only good in music but also in acting.

Their agency provides them with everything they need: The best materials to ensure the quality of their music, their live shows and videos. YG Entertainment do not act stingy when it comes to spending money on their artists. Everything has to be of the best quality. Hard plastic instead of paper-made cards, stickers, mouse pads, fancy designs, resistant and innovative cd cases and when we say resistant, you bet they resist everything! Some fans say that you can even fry an egg using BIGBANG's cover of "Alive." (Do not try that at home!).

When filming a video, BIGBANG always tries different concepts, different locations, the elements used go from using fancy cars to even film the video with special and really expensive cameras. And when it comes to publicity we speak of television commercials for each member individually, buses wrapped up in publicity and even in subways!

YG definitely knows that BIGBANG is not afraid of speaking their mind and say: “We want to be called real musicians.” There’s no doubt that they are definitely Korean musicians conquering the world!

Proof of it is on their all-kills every time they release a song. The award they won at the MTV EMA. The first places they obtain when promoting on "Inkigayo," "Music Bank," and "Music Core," polls online, constant requests from foreign countries, the highest number of visits on YouTube for every released video, the collaborations with American artists, DiploLudacris, The Underdogs…. isn’t that enough?

[BIGBANG's popularity chart on YouTube for "Alive" music video by February 27th]

The attitude and talent of each member makes them gain the love from the audience: G-Dragon's stance as a leader and faked "cold" attitude, T.O.P's rapping style and his sarcastic and 4D-like sense of humor, Seungri's image as the curious, lovely and careless maknae in front of his hyung's eyes, Taeyang's sweet voice and charming "eye smile" and Daesung's powerful voice and sense of caring a lot for everybody. Each characteristic makes them gain more and more fans everywhere.

Considered as Korea's trends settlers, BIGBANG attracts attention everywhere they go. Japan, Europe, Asia, North America and South America, BIGBANG's popularity is undeniable. 
Controversies, problems? Sure, the controversies sometimes feeds their popularity. The more press talks about you, more famous you get, besides, everybody in this world has problems in their life and when BIGBANG has these kind of issues in their career, they stand by and come back stronger than never. And when you ask their fans what’s so good about BIGBANG they just answer: “The question should be 'What we don't like about BIGBANG' and our answer would be 'NOTHING.' There isn't anything we don't like about them. It is BIGBANG!"